no dance experience or partner required


read our T&C here before registering

What to expect from our Beginner Classes

In 9 hours over 4 sessions of beginner classes, you can expect to learn the fundamental footwork and steps of Lindy Hop. These steps and moves are more than enough to allow you to dance confidently at a social, and you'll also learn skills such as lead-and-follow communication, rhythm, and body awareness.
Classes happen on two consecutive weekends (Saturdays and Sundays). Saturdays are from 8-10PM in Santacruz West, and Sundays are from 3:30 to 6PM in Bandra West. The full schedule is below.

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join us for a fun night of swing


What to know before attending a Dance Social

Lindy Hop is a led and followed dance form, which means one partner (the lead) suggests the steps, and the other partner (the follow) takes those suggestions and goes along with them. Typically, men choose to lead and women choose to follow, but for the workshop you can choose whatever you prefer. (Note: On account of class balance we might have to assign you to a 'typical' role)

If our Social Night is happening at a studio, and you have never danced before, you will want to buy a ticket for the Social plus Workshop. If you have some experience dancing Lindy Hop, you can skip the workshop and opt for just the Social Dance Ticket.

When the social happens at a bar or restaurant, a cover charge of Rs. 300 to 400 (fully redeemable) will be applicable and collected by the venue. This is separate from the cost of the beginner workshop.

read our T&C here before registering

scroll up for beginner class registration

not sure if Lindy Hop is for you?


What to know about our Trial Classes

Trial classes are offered on a first-come-first-serve basis, and every batch has limited trial slots. Trial classes occupy the first 45-50 minutes of the first class of the batch. To book a trial slot, a minimal fee of Rs. 200 must be paid. If a participant would like to continue with the rest of the batch, the amount paid will be deducted from the batch fees, and the early bird offer can be applied. If no trial slots are available, we do allow anyone interested to drop by and simply watch how the class is conducted.

Do note that 99% of the time our batches run at capacity, and if trial participants would like to continue in the same batch, they may only be accomodated if a participant who has fully paid up drops out.

level up and get grooving with our


A few things about our higher levels

You will learn many things in Level 2, some of which will be variations, and build upon skills/steps you've already learned. Others will be new to you, but the modules in Level 2 are below.
Swingout & variations, Sugar Push, Step flow and Floorcraft, Tuck turns, Fast dancing, Charleston Basic/Int, Spins & Turns, Macro Musicality, Step stealing and creativity, Beyond Lead & Follow, Footwork / Arm styling, Micro Musicality, Slow dancing. Some classes may contain just one module, and some may involve two or more modules, as required.
If enough participants sign up by the middle of the week, we can more easily plan which module(s) we'll be teaching as every class has people of different levels. We also are happy to hear requests on what module you might want to learn, which will also help us plan the class
Level 2 is primarily a technique and practice level, with a focus on building a strong foundation on your Level 1 vocabulary, while being able to add some amount of variations. On the other hand, Level 3 is entirely about advanced variations, combinations, styling, musicality, and finding the ability to modify the rhythm, speed, flow, and footwork of steps, while being able to dance effortlessly to higher tempos. You can use Level 2 to repeat, and practice steps you have learned, but also attend practice sessions and social dance nights
You can attend as frequently, or infrequently as you like; it really all depends on your goals. If, for example, you want to look great while dancing to different tempos of music or perform in a choreography batch you would want to attend more frequently for a period of a few months. On the other hand if you would just like to dance at socials and learn a few new moves, you could attend a class every few weeks.
This is really nothing to worry about, as we check the WhatsApp poll to see who is attending every specific class, and structure the class so everyone learns something, even those who have attended that module before
You're free to attend whatever classes you want, and don't have to attend a module you have done before. However, keep in mind that your eligibility for higher levels or performance batches will be restricted based on your familiarity with the L2 course material.
Drop us a message and let us know you would like to start again. We'll either ask you to drop in for free to a Level 1 class, or recommend you attend a specific Level 2 class that might be more beginner friendly
Level 2 happens on Sundays from 6 to 7:30PM at Pasmil Studio, Bandra. However, to do a class we need a handful of people to sign up by Wednesday or so. It's Rs. 500 to sign up by Wednesday, and Rs. 700 after. If you happen to be unable to attend a class you can shift it upto one time, but must inform us when you want to attend the next one.
Level 3 is currently the highest level we teach, and to be eligible to join, you must have completed each of the Level 2 modules at least twice, if not more. For performance batches, simply drop us a message if you would like to join and have completed the more basic Level 2 modules. We also require frequent social dancing attendance for both Level 3 and performance batches.